LABC President Mary Leslie, a former LADWP commissioner, joined hundreds of solar industry leaders and public officials at a major conference today at UCLA, where she thanked Governor Brown for his leadership in seeking to make California the clean-energy leader. Leslie also said the nation’s largest municipal utility has the wherewithal to implement the CLEAN LA program now, after more than two years of evaluation of CLEAN LA and other sustainable energy plans.With solar industry leaders and public officials working to meet Governor Edmund G. Brown’s ambitious state-wide goals for local, renewable power, the Los Angeles Business Council and a broad coalition of supporters today called on the LADWP to implement the CLEAN LA Solar Plan, which would produce 600 MW of locally generated rooftop solar power, create thousands of local jobs and spur as much as $2 billion of private investment. The plan enjoys huge support among the public, with an opinion survey showing that more than eight in 10 local voters are in favor.
“Governor Brown’s vision enables communities across the state to create renewable energy programs that meet local needs. Here in Los Angeles, we’ve designed the CLEAN LA solar plan to create jobs, foster private investment and take advantage of hundreds of millions of dollars in federal tax credits,” Leslie said. “We call on the LADWP to deliver on the promise of a meaningful local rooftop solar program that is great public policy and a terrific economic development initiative.”The CLEAN LA plan meets important city needs at a reasonable cost, especially when considering federal tax credits available to offset the costs for business owners, the lack of meaningful solar production in the city to date, and the looming state requirements for clean energy. Further, newly released figures show that the solar proposal actually produces cost-savings for the utility’s ratepayers over the course of its 30-year life. LABC, in conjunction with top researchers at UCLA and USC, has conducted several in-depth studies showing that the plan would create as many as 18,000 job-years, while spurring private investment of as much as $2 billion. One job-year is economic investment sufficient to employ one person for one year. Important to the success of the program is taking advantage of federal tax credits, set to expire at the end of 2016, which could finance as much as $300 million of the program.
The CLEAN LA program has a simple design: residents and building-owners would be paid a set rate of return for power generated by rooftop solar panels. UCLA’s studies have found that building owners can be incentivized to participate by having LADWP pay them a slight premium for the power that is generated. This, in turn, grows the amount of local, clean power in Los Angeles. As a result of the economics of energy costs – falling prices for solar panel installation and natural gas prices that are expected to rise over time – the plan actually saves ratepayers money over its 30-year life. The significant environmental benefits come without the high price tag of some other energy programs. The CLEAN LA solar plan would produce 600 MW of locally generated solar energy – enough to power 137,000 typical Los Angeles homes – while providing a significant step toward meeting the state-mandated requirement that local utilities generate 33 percent of their power from renewable sources by 2020.