Justin Timberlake re-opens top green gulf course

JustinTimberlakeGolfChannel1 150x150 Justin Timberlake re opens top green gulf course  It’s not always about glitz and glamour with Justin Timberlake, this time it is about going green. Justin Timberlake has recently made a hit which does not revolve around recording studios at all. This time Timberlake has launched his golf course; the talented singer- performer has re-launched his Eco friendly golf course in his hometown Memphis.

The club has been able to win the award for being the first green golf course in the whole of America. The award was given by the prestigious Gold Environment Organization to Mirimichi Performance Centre situated in the Worlds famous Singer’s hometown.

The Mirimichi was given the award for being the most eco-friendly golf club in U.S.A. The golf club has undergone renovations that have expanded its irrigation and drainage system. The system has maximized the use of rainwater and the wetlands have been expanded along with the wildflowers and the native grasses. Mirimichi is labelled as a club with a world class experience without the need of memberships, monthly dues or minimums.
A total of $16million so far and there are plans to make the club more eco friendly in near future. According to sources, Justin Timberlake will soon be adding golf carts that are solar-powered. Furthermore, he will ensure that the operation for the food and beverage use materials which are bio degradable and recyclable. This Golf Club is the only club ever made that is able to calculate its own carbon footprints.

Justin Timberlake

Timberlake has managed to stand out from the crowd since he has always had strong opinions regarding environmental issues. He is now marked as an individual who walks his walk giving the ‘sexy back’ singer a well deserved relaxed time which he can spend on the world’s greenest greens.