Green Vehicles Riding on Air


AIRPOD 300x144 Green Vehicles Riding on AirMove over electric car makers Volt and Tesla. The AirPod, no that’s not Ipod has made its way on the streets of Paris. AirPod is the culmination of work conducted by MDI (Motor Development Incorporated) a car company which  studies  pollution and urban mobility. MDI has operations in the United Kingdom,  France, and a unique production design relationship with India based Tata Motors.

AirPod is an air powered car company directed by Guy NEGRE the CEO of the company.  NEGRE is a mechanical engineer who started his career researching engine efficiency. Throughout his career Guy NEGRE, has designed nearly one hundred engines.The aims of this company are to promote and develop ecological energies; conceive and produce non-pollutant vehicles and systems. The AirPod along with OneFlowAIR, MiniFlow AIR, CityFlowAIR and are clean energy engines that operate on a totally eco-friendly basis using compressed air stored at high pressure.

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By the way the first wedding in the world featuring an AirPod vehicle took place last September 10 at Saint Laurent du Var in the French Riviera. Michel Verdiani, Communications Manager for MDI and his new bride Marsha were riding on air.