Hertz Launches Global Sustainability Drive

728x90 Hertz Launches Global Sustainability Drive

Hertz Global Sale 300x241 Hertz Launches Global Sustainability DriveHertz the world’s largest general use car rental brand, introduced “Living Journey” today, the Company’s corporate sustainability strategy. Living Journey positions Hertz to be the leader in Sustainable Mobility and Equipment Solutions through various strategic initiatives that integrate sustainability best practices throughout the Company including:Smart Mobility—Hertz is committed to providing customers vehicle rental options that are fuel efficient and use clean, low-emissions technology such as Electric Vehicles (EVs) and hybrids. Environment—Hertz’s goal is to minimize its environmental footprint and operating costs through efficiency improvements, resource management and renewable energy production. Community—Hertz is dedicated to creating a positive impact and enhancing the communities it serves by giving back through philanthropic and volunteer efforts.

“Sustainability has always been part of the culture at Hertz. We have a long-standing tradition of innovation and leadership that includes managing the environmental performance and social impacts of the Company alongside our fiscal responsibilities,” said Mark P. Frissora, Chairman and CEO of Hertz. “In 2011, we made tremendous progress on Hertz’s industry-leading solar generation and Electric Vehicle initiatives in addition to ongoing efforts to operate in an environmentally responsible manner at our corporate offices and rental facilities. As a continuation of our success, we are excited to introduce Living Journey which encompasses all of our efforts as an organization through partnerships, employee education and investments to reduce our impact on the environment, provide customer value, and manage our business sustainably.”Through Hertz’s sustainability efforts, the Company has:Recycled and  diverted 2 million tons of e-waste from landfills, recycled approximately 680,000 gallons of used oil in 2011, and reduced paper use by 2.8 million pounds since 2006.

In addition, more than 80% of the water used at Hertz car washes is recycled. The Company is currently implementing energy audits and lighting upgrades across many of its facilities. Estimated results from recent lighting upgrades include 1.1 million kilowatt-hours and 776 tonnes of CO2 emissions saved annually (across 20 Hertz locations).To communicate Living Journey to its stakeholders, Hertz has launched a sustainability website which is the first of its kind for the Company. The site highlights Hertz’s achievements and plans in the sustainability arena, which includes energy-efficiency improvements such as lighting and HVAC upgrades, utilizing LEED certification standards for Hertz buildings, solar energy production, global recycling efforts, and delivering fuel-efficient fleet choices to consumers. Last year, Hertz was recognized by the Global Business Travel Association for Sustainable Practice through Hertz On Demand, Hertz’s hourly car rental program.

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Posted in Electric vehicles, Environment, Recycling, Renewable Energy, Solar Solutions, Sustainability and tagged , , , .


  1. It is good to see major companies moving ahead in a positive direction of change and leadership. The change is that the effort is sustained and not just something we try for a year and then give up. Solar charging of EVs is the best payback for a solar panel and has a huge number of side benefits including reducing our consumption of fossil fuels, clean air, etc, etc. If I can rent an EV, or alternate power vehicle, isn’t that one of the best ways to test drive and see how they really work for me? A big “ATTA BOY” for Hertz, maybe you should have a special rental program for EVs so folks could see “how’d they’d work in an average week for you.” Well anyway, a sustainable effort to all, for all.

  2. The largest car rental company — Hertz , plays a vital role on cars recycling. Certainly, I heard that BYD and Hertz made a deal on electric cars recycling. That is a different start for us.

    I find some information on these pages about the BYD electric cars.
    If the Hertz can use BYD e6 as the rental cars, I don’t know what will happen in the future. Maybe it can change our life and change our attitude about cars. I am looking forward to drive one on the road.

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