Going green going electric

09SASY07121R 300x101 Going green going electricElectric vehicles are already out there and more are on the way. Tesla and Toyota have made headlines as has
ZAP which has signed fleet agreements in China and with the US Postal Service.

An interesting area for growth in the electric vehicle (EV) field is the business of car conversions and fleet management.  AMP Holding Inc. is a company engaged in the emission-free electrification of OEM vehicles,  hosted “Making Your Fleet Green.”
Their program offers two viable solutions for fleet operators: 100% electric new vehicles such as the AMP’d GM Equinox, and the upfitting of existing or retired fleet vehicles.
Steve Burns, CEO of AMP (interviewed with the New York Times), said, “Historically speaking, fleets have been early adopters of alternative fuel solutions; it seemed only natural to create a Fleet Vehicle Program that affords real world solutions for these transportation planners.

Aside from the obvious environmental appeal these vehicles garner, various government grants and incentives available to fleet operators make the economics quite compelling. Upfitting just one vehicle previously deemed for retirement could yield savings of up to $15,000 by year five, just on that one vehicle alone. Imagine the implications for a large government agency or municipality that has thousands of vehicles in its fleet, it’s just mindboggling; not to mention the massive reduction in carbon footprint in saving these vehicles from the scrap yard. AMP’s game-changing technology allows us to help these fleets meet and exceed the ever-growing environmental standards being dictated.”

Posted in Electric vehicles.