Brits vote for free solar


team amanda Brits vote for free solarby Catherine Deshayes: HomeSun, the free power company, today announced that a staggering 42,000 homeowners across the UK have made an application to claim their free solar panels…Out of the 42,000 applicants, only two people applied to buy the solar panels outright.

A report by Ofgem has highlighted a rise in the number of solar installations being carried out. However this rise should not be confused with the appetite to buy solar panels.
HomeSun provides homeowners with three options to install solar PV (Buy, SolarShare, Free) and is therefore well positioned in the marketplace to gauge consumer mood across the UK.  Data collated by HomeSun clearly shows that the new wave of free and low cost solar schemes are working well for homeowners, democratising solar, and making it available to all.

Daniel Green, CEO at HomeSun, said:  “We believe that solar should be accessible for more homeowners.  We can meet demand by offering different packages – and our statistics clearly show which way the British public is voting.

“Homeowners who have access to £11,000 and plan to stay in their home for more than ten years would be advised to buy solar and benefit directly from Government FiTs (Feed in tariffs), and yes, Prince Charles is one of these people.  However, these types of homeowners are in a minority.”With jobs under threat, people downsizing their homes and ever-increasing energy bills, we have seen demand for free and low cost solar PV far outnumbers demand for any other type of package.” HomeSun stresses that homeowners review their personal circumstances and work out whether it is best for them to buy, or look at Free Solar or SolarShare. Daniel Green, HomeSun comments: “Through companies such as HomeSun, the FiT’s scheme is doing exactly what government intended – encouraging business enterprise, creating jobs, reducing bills of homeowners, and reducing the country’s carbon footprint.”

Posted in Solar.