A Green State of Mind


education green 300x200 A Green State of Mindby Richard Andrews: From Van Jones, Natalie Portman, Bill McKibben, Majora Carter, Prince Charles, Al Gore, Reverend Lennox Yearwood,slide 9156 123979 large 150x150 A Green State of MindRickie Ott, Justin Timberlake and so many, many more people -including possibly you… are spreading the word.

And the word is “green” which is clarifying the relationship between environmental sanity, job development and to go real deep, human survival and sustainability on planet earth. What an incredible situation we find ourselves in…California, the nation, the world. To quote famous author Charles Dickens from, A Tale of Two Cities” It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of enlightenment, it was the age of foolishness.” Thomas Paine in a series of pamphlets, The American Crisis in late 1776 wrote, ” These are the times that try men’s soul.”

To get real we cannot, we must not leave the leading of this country to politicians, remember they’re supposed to represent us, the largest and most entitled group from which the most money flows…the American taxpayer. By now we can see what the industrial, military, money, media complex will do when they are left unchecked, or when they twist reality to serve the own agenda.


Given the mental, emotional, intellectual and financial state America is in now, clean green empowering  jobs are on everyone’s mind. These jobs represent an opportunity to bring an age of enlightenment to America...”a new green renaissance.” For this to happen though we will have to avoid eating the hate that is served up to Americans everyday by those caught up in self serving greed and divisiveness. As President Obama said on the campaign trail…”We are the change we seek.” And quoting from the hip hop movie Notorious ” We can’t change the world…until we change ourselves”

That’s going to require that we rethink and re- educate ourselves, friends and family. So it’s refreshing to see that Bank of America Foundation and Charles Mott Foundation are launching The Greenforce Initiative. It’s a start to a new green state of mind.

Posted in Training.