There’s something in the wind… energy

321264005 49b8fc97a7 z1 300x200 Theres something in the wind... energyU.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu recently announced  that the Department of Energy is awarding more than $5 million to support U.S. wind energy development. The two funding recipients announced today—AWS Truepower LLC in Albany, New York and WindLogics, Inc. in Saint Paul, Minnesota—will lead teams of several partners and work with DOE and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to deploy advanced atmospheric measurement systems over a broad area, provide data that allow advanced weather prediction systems to improve short-term turbine-level wind forecasts, and demonstrate the value of these forecasting improvements for electric utility operations.
Mark Hartney from the Department of Energy Advanced Research Projects Agency will be one of the speakers at  Airborne Wind Energy Conference 2010 being held at Standford University – September 28,29 -2010. The conference  will bring together energy entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, utilities, project developers, academic researchers, and federal institutions to discuss emerging technologies and challenges to commercialization. Discussions will cover a wide spectrum of issues including developments in airborne wind energy technology, public/private investments in renewable energy, advancements in resource analysis and regulatory issues.

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