Yo New York City greens up and so does Yo Valley


Let’s give it up for green city New York, New York. Just a few days ago Mayor a039d3f3 300x163 Yo New York City greens up and so does Yo ValleyBloomberg and other city officials broke ground on a new municipal recycling facility in Sunset Park that will process all of the city’s metal, glass and plastic recyclables. The opening represents another step for New York in going green. The Sims Municipal Recycling Facility on the Brooklyn waterfront  will minimize the distance that collection trucks travel between pick-up sites and receiving centers and allow Sims to expand its barge and rail-based transport systems which will eliminate over 260,000 vehicle miles traveled annually from New York City roadways. The project will create 100 new jobs when the facility is opened, which is expected in December 2011; with 11,000 more to follow over the next 10 years.

“This state-of-the-art facility is another great example of repurposing our Brooklyn waterfront. And we’re not just talking trash here – this facility will promote recycling, take garbage-hauling trucks off our already overburdened streets and highways, and create jobs as well,” said Borough President Markowitz. “It’s a win-win for everybody, and proves yet again why, when it comes to recycling, Brooklyn and New York City make everyone else ‘green’ with envy.”

Selldorf Architects of the project designer created the facility to be sustainable. It includes green roofs, renewable solar and wind energy production, on-site stormwater treatment, and landscaping that serves to offset heat and provide a pleasing visual aesthetic for the surrounding community. The project will revitalize Brooklyn’s waterfront industrial space, improve pedestrian access to the waterfront by adding 22 acres of new open space, and reduce truck traffic throughout the region by 70,000 truck trips annually. An onsite Visitor Education Center will welcome school groups and visitors  who can learn about recycling. It will operate 24 hours a day, six days a week.


Like the green movement we know that rap music has spread around the world. French, Chinese and rappers from India all have some swag and lay it down for real. But Yo Valley (Yeo Valley)…who knew, organic farmers rapping from England? I guess it was time for the song “Ole MacDonald had a Farm” to get a makeover…E i… E  i… O !

Write a story: A Green Renaissance

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