Solar could create 750 Thousand Jobs in US by 2020


4200117023 605ee807ec 201x300 Solar could create 750 Thousand Jobs in US by 2020This week at the United Nations convention on Climate Change (COP16) in Cancun, Mexico, SEIA (Solar Energy Industries c411d85ae8c592212203764bcd6e grande 150x150 Solar could create 750 Thousand Jobs in US by 2020Association Industries – along with EPIA – European Photovoltaic Industry Association and 40 other solar groups around the world) released a report on solar’s potential to fight climate change and create jobs. The report states that solar is already a global success story, but is not yet living up to its full potential.

The report estimates that by 2020, world solar deployment could reach a combined level that reduces carbon pollution equal to removing 110 million cars from the road. Additionally, if the solar deployment goals (that are highlighted in the report) are agreed upon and reached, over one million jobs could be created in the European Union and nearly seven hundred thousand jobs created in the United States.

Solar is fighting climate change and creating jobs now, but we have not even come close to maximizing this free, clean, and abundant resource. If, on a global scale, we continue to ignore solar as a jobs creator and a clean energy alternative, a tremendous opportunity to do the right thing will be lost.


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