Use the force


iguassu falls 1 300x225 Use the forceIguazu Falls located on the border of Argentina and Brazil with its 270 waterfalls is considered one of the great wonders of the natural world. It ranks up there with Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. and Niagara Falls, USA for its’ shear physical beauty. Iguazu Falls is located  downstream from Itaipu Dam considered an engineering wonder. It is the longest hydroelectric power plant in the world, generating 25% and 90% of electric energy consumed by Brazil and Paraguay, respectively; and the second largest in total generating capacity only after the Three Gorges Dam, China.

Waterfalls always impress. Not only can you feel, see, taste and hear their awesome force, in the case of Iguazu Falls its economic and environmental impact on the ecosystem makes it a top tourist destination in South America. Talk about harnessing the power of nature. Itaipu Dam up river from Iguazu Falls is also a tourist destination and is an example of how satisfying energy demands can have adverse effects on Indigenous peoples and sacred areas. It turns out that 10, 000 people had to be relocated.

As options for clean power and renewable energy are put back at the top of Americas’ priorities. Hydroelectric systems that integrate solar, wind, wave, tidal and sustainable options are well worth examining. Only 2,400 of the 80,000 dams in the United States are used for hydroelectric power. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the likely trend for the future is toward small-scale hydroelectric power plants that can generate electricity for single communities. It is costly to construct a new hydroelectric power plant, and construction uses much water and land. In addition, environmental concerns have been voiced against their use.





OBAMA ANNOUNCES $2 Billion Solar Award

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Intersolar North America

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Taking place from July 13-15 in San Francisco’s Moscone Center West Hall, promotes the development of business opportunities throughout the U.S. solar industry. More than 550 U.S.-based and international exhibitors and 20,000 trade visitors are expected.

Facing Tough PV Manufacturing Challenges: Intersolar North America 2010 to Host Inaugural PV Group North American Fab Managers Forum

Leading Solar Cell-Makers Will Convene at July Event in San Francisco

SEMI PV Group today announced that the first annual North American Fab Managers Forum will be held at Intersolar North America 2010 in San Francisco, California on July 12, 2010. Hosted by SEMI PV Group, the Fab Managers Forum is focused on addressing shared supply chain challenges and improving customer-supplier relations across the photovoltaic supply chain.



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Rachel Maddow

 Use the force


Solar jeans a renewable source of energy


jeans2 1 Solar jeans a renewable source of energyThis 4th of July season the ideals of freedom are ever present. The green sustainability movement is sweeping the country as scientists, environmentalist, agents of change and citizens from all aspects of our society begin to grapple with the what it means to be free. As exploration into alternate sources of energy continues it appears that researches from Cornell University are reporting organic material similar to that found in blue jeans functions as solar cells. There’s plenty of research to be completed but the solar industry has been researching efficiency, thin film and plant like material to lower costs.

Making better solar cells: Cornell University researchers have discovered a simple process – employing molecules typically used in blue jean and ink dyes – for building an organic framework that could lead to economical, flexible and versatile solar cells. The discovery is reported in the journal Nature Chemistry.

Today’s heavy silicon panels are effective, but they can also be expensive and unwieldy. Searching for alternatives, William Dichtel, assistant professor of chemistry and chemical biology, and Eric L. Spitler, a National Science Foundation American Competitiveness in Chemistry Postdoctoral Fellow at Cornell, employed a strategy that uses organic dye molecules assembled into a structure known as a covalent organic framework (COF). Organic materials have long been recognized as having potential to create thin, flexible and low-cost photovoltaic devices, but it has been proven difficult to organize their component molecules reliably into ordered structures likely to maximize device performance.

At the core of the framework are molecules called phthalocyanines, a class of common industrial dyes used in products from blue jeans to ink pens. Phthalocyanines are also closely related in structure to chlorophyll, the compound in plants that absorbs sunlight for photosynthesis. The compounds absorb almost the entire solar spectrum – a rare property for a single organic material.

“For most organic materials used for electronics, there’s a combination of some design to get the materials to perform well enough, and there’s a little bit of an element of luck,” Dichtel said. “We’re trying to remove as much of that element of luck as we can.”

The structure by itself is not a solar cell yet, but it is a model that will significantly broaden the scope of materials that can be used in COFs, Dichtel said. “We also hope to take advantage of their structural precision to answer fundamental scientific questions about moving electrons through organic materials.”

Once the framework is assembled, the pores between the molecular latticework could potentially be filled with another organic material to form a light, flexible, highly efficient and easy-to-manufacture solar cell. The next step is to begin testing ways of filling in the gaps with complementary molecules.

It’s easy to recognize there can be plenty of heat in a pair of jeans, but who would have thought it could be turned into solar energy.

The National Science Foundation provided funding for this research.


OBAMA ANNOUNCES $2 Billion Solar Award

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Intersolar North America

weltkarte 150x103 px 01 1 Solar jeans a renewable source of energy

Taking place from July 13-15 in San Francisco’s Moscone Center West Hall, promotes the development of business opportunities throughout the U.S. solar industry. More than 550 U.S.-based and international exhibitors and 20,000 trade visitors are expected.

Facing Tough PV Manufacturing Challenges: Intersolar North America 2010 to Host Inaugural PV Group North American Fab Managers Forum

Leading Solar Cell-Makers Will Convene at July Event in San Francisco

SEMI PV Group today announced that the first annual North American Fab Managers Forum will be held at Intersolar North America 2010 in San Francisco, California on July 12, 2010. Hosted by SEMI PV Group, the Fab Managers Forum is focused on addressing shared supply chain challenges and improving customer-supplier relations across the photovoltaic supply chain.



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Somebody call 911


John WathenReporting Somebody call 911
There’s a crime in progress. We are witnessing a cruel insidious act against people, profits and the planet - in fact all living things in the Gulf. What could cause a crime of this scale?  “Money, money, money, money, money…money. Some people got to have it. Some people really need it! Money makes people go out of their minds…” So says the classic O’Jay’s song…”Money.” How else can you explain the ever growing tragedy BP has caused by drilling a well 23,000 fleet into the ocean that has been gushing  millions upon millions of barrels of deadly oil and gas in the Gulf of Mexico for close to 70 days as of this writing. John Wathen an environmentalist with WaterKeeper Alliance has released some mind twisting and disturbing video he shot flying over miles and miles of the Gulf. photog 1 150x134 Somebody call 911His interview with Keith Obermann should turn us all into environmental activists and true stewards of the earth. It’s not just money though. As English historian John Dalberg – Acton was quoted:”Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely” The unenlightened pursuit of power and money has created an industrial, military, media and political complex that former President Dwight Eisenhower warned against. This cartel is so strung out it refuses to see the obvious – offshore deep water drilling is too dangerous and not sustainable. By the way there are 3000 other offshore rigs in the Gulf.

When you see the vastness of the oil spread out miles at sea and it’s journey towards the shores of Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi and Florida it’s got to register that unlike Godzilla and other monsters of the deep there’s little we can do to stop it, despite all cleanup efforts. How fragile, futile… when you see and hear John’s report on the Gulf it’s clear things are bad, really, really bad. In fact some think big media is deliberately down playing the magnitude of what’s happening. But how is that possible when BP is literally setting the ocean on fire in an attemp to burn off some of the oil. Meanwhile the Senate is stalled on creating a comprehensive energy bill that could begin the process of transforming our stone age and deadly energy policies – into ones that use clean wave, wind, solar power and electric vehicles.  But what can you do? Maybe you can channel your efforts into organizations such as Waterkeeper Alliance. Waterkeeper Alliance is among the world’s fastest growing environmental organizations, with nearly 200 local Waterkeepers patrolling rivers, lakes and coastal waterways on six continents.

Waterkeepers defend their communities against anyone who threatens their right to clean water. Through Waterkeeper Alliance, Waterkeepers speak with a single, powerful voice as they tackle the world’s most pressing water issues. The Alliance stands behind every Waterkeeper, increasing their ability to function as community defenders in their efforts to protect the world’s waterways.

Waterkeepers connects individuals to each other, and supports them by providing expertise in science, law, strategic planning and communications, making them more effective in their communities’ courtrooms and classrooms, and in the media.

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Paris looks for power from turbines beneath the Seine - Kim Willsher

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Paris is hoping to use underwater turbines to harness power from the river Seine.

The river Seine, the historical “sacred river” running through Paris, inspired Monet, Matisse and even the British painter Turner, who sat on its banks to capture the scenery.

Now the landscape is to undergo a subtle change, with a plan to install eight turbines underneath the city’s celebrated bridges to raise energy from river currents.

Paris city hall is to launch an appeal this week for power companies to come up with suitable projects to install the turbines, or hydroliennes.

“After a study by our urban ecology service and the French waterways, four potential sites have already been identified,” Denis Baupin, the deputy mayor, told Le Parisien newspaper. One is to the west of the city, at the Pont du Garigliano, while the others are in central Paris, at the Pont de la Tournelle, Pont Marie and Pont au Change. Two energy-harnessing machines will be placed at each spot.

“At these places the current speeds up a little,” said Baupin. “The idea is to locate all the natural power sources that we have in Paris and that we might be able to exploit.”

French energy company EDF has already declared the idea “interesting”.

The companies interested in the project have until the autumn to submit proposals. The winner will be chosen next January and the first turbines or propellers installed by next spring.

While the bulk of the machinery to harness the currents of the Seine will be hidden under water, part of the structure of many modern hydro-mill prototypes sits above the water.

Paris authorities — already experimenting with the heating of buildings with water from underground springs, and installing mini-windmills on buildings — say the project is aimed more at raising public awareness of renewable energy than powering the city.

“We’re not expecting the moon and the stars with these techniques,” Baupin said, “but the educational impact of these experiments is just as important. Vélib [Paris's free bicycle scheme] has made Parisians realise they can use cycles in the city, and these renewable energy schemes will make them aware of the need to watch what they consume.”

The reaction of Le Parisien readers was mixed: “Bravo! Let’s hope the local authorities and fishing community understand the importance of this kind of energy,” one wrote.

Another said: “The idea seems good at first glance, but when they say before they’ve even started that the quantity of energy produced will be symbolic, almost ridiculous, why push ahead?”

“We’re going to throw a fortune into useless hydroliennes,” another commented. “Their cost will be considerably higher than the electricity produced. All that to be ‘educational’?” .

An underwater turbine has previously been placed under the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.


TESLA…fresh off IPO

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Tesla had a coming out party for  Tesla stock  smacked of a Hollywood premiere. The electric car is the toast of the celebrity set — George Clooney, Leo DiCaprio, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Brad Pitt.

Tesla also opened its’ 13th worldwide showroom, in the heart of Copenhagen, recognized internationally as one of the world’s most environmentally friendly places. Copenhagen, which hosted the most recent UN Conference on Climate Change, generates a growing percentage of its grid’s energy from the famous offshore wind farm at Middelgrunden. The city is working to reduce CO2 emissions by 20 percent by 2015.

“People in Denmark believe in social responsibility, and the Tesla Roadster is the only electric vehicle that combines a world-class sports car with their values of environmental stewardship,” said Cristiano Carlutti, Tesla’s Vice President for European Sales and Operations. “We are thrilled that customers in Denmark and throughout Scandinavia have embraced not only the Roadster but the core business philosophy of Tesla Motors.”


Antonio Roman-Alcalá of In Search of Good Food

Urban Farming Debate at The Hub SoMa in San Francisco

In Search of Good Food



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Megan Epler Wood Launching

Environmental Management of International Tourism Development at Harvard Extension

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Intersolar North America

weltkarte 150x103 px 01 1 Somebody call 911

Taking place from July 13-15 in San Francisco’s Moscone Center West Hall, promotes the development of business opportunities throughout the U.S. solar industry. More than 550 U.S.-based and international exhibitors and 20,000 trade visitors are expected.



Dirty Energy Independence Week July 1 – July 7th, 2010


Dirty Energy Independence Week of Action:

President Obama gave an address about the BP oil spill in the Gulf of
Mexico — and what it teaches us about America’s economic and ecological future.
President Obama has heard and joined our call for bold, decisive action to clean up
the spill and build a safe, clean-energy future for the Gulf region and for America.
Now, we must help him and Congress turn his words into the change we need.

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The worlds’ oldest profession global pimping BP style

The last time I checked I didn’t see undergraduate or graduate programs being offered in pimping although on Saturday Night Live Eddie39d24839 The worlds oldest profession global pimping BP style Murphy teaches a class “How to be a Ho.”  Most parents don’t exactly encourage their children to go into the field. It ‘s not listed next to environmental engineer in college catalogs. Yet somehow through the ages the “life” goes on. The Hughes Brothers film “American Pimp” chronicled the business in a very interesting way as did the unglamorous  portrayal of that life in the Academy Award winning film “Hustle and Flow.”

Why someone would sell their body is a real personal decision. At the street level when someone decides they want to leave the worlds’ oldest profession you can expect the reply from the pimp isn’t going to be one of support. In fact it could get real nasty. One might be bribed with more money, gifts, trips, cars, condos clothes and more depending on the level the game is being played. Or their family and friends could be threatened, beaten or even worst. No pimp or pusher wants to give up their money makers. And make no mistake they’ll do everything to keep their “ho’s in check.”

For those who want to break out many fail and never leave…why? Is it fear and habit?  Are you getting the symbolism with corporate pimp BP and we their “customers?” For decades now every new American President talks about breaking our national addiction to oil. Before the BP oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico many Americans could have cared less about the ecological effects of pollution. So a few birds got oiled down – but now that the economic effects are wiping out entire communities people are beginning the rethink the vice like grip that oil has on our society. From wars, pollution and corruption its effects are metaphysically tragic. Reports are now coming in that it’s raining oil in Louisiana and as the upcoming hurricane season rolls in we have no way of determining just how devastating  this could become. This is the worst catastrophic environmental event in US history.

In some communities pimping is perverselyrevered  because those in it are improvising in response to the lack of choice, however in the world of energy we do have a choice…or do we? More electric vehicles are being introduced and renewable energy such as solar, wind, and wave are available and viable now. It’s hard to accept the long dark history that our country and others around the world have been pimped and punked into oil consumption, a toxic and dangerous source of  energy.  Make no mistake about it… getting away from it isn’t going to be easy. If there was an award for Global Pimp of the year I wonder if Tony Hayward President of BP would win? See the comedy video clip from I’m Gonna Get You Sucka.


Urban Farming Comes to Vancouver as Chicken By-Law Passed

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Vancouver residents can now keep a small number of chickens in their backyards. The initiative has plenty of supporters as well as numerous detractors.

On June 8, 2010, Vancouver city council passed a by-law that will permit Vancouver, British Columbia residents to keep up to four chickens in a coop. The by-law had been much discussed and maligned over the past year prior to its’ quiet approval by council. Despite some vociferous opposition to the plan, Vancouver joins a growing list of North American cities to jump on the urban farming bandwagon. Kansas City also recently voted to change rules encouraging residents to turn lawns and vacant lots into food sources.

The approval of backyard chicken coops in Vancouver highlights the movement towards urban and sustainable farming and the increased desire of people to know where the food they eat comes from. The movement is so popular that the subject of raising chickens has its’ own book in the Dummies series.


Antonio Roman-Alcalá of In Search of Good Food

Urban Farming Debate at The Hub SoMa in San Francisco

In Search of Good Food



Ecotourism Icon

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Megan Epler Wood Launching

Environmental Management of International Tourism Development at Harvard Extension

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Intersolar North America

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Taking place from July 13-15 in San Francisco’s Moscone Center West Hall, promotes the development of business opportunities throughout the U.S. solar industry. More than 550 U.S.-based and international exhibitors and 20,000 trade visitors are expected.


EPRI and SolarCity to Install Photovoltaic Rooftop Research System

PALO ALTO, Calif. The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and SolarCity®, a national leader in solar financing, design, installation, monitoring and related services, announced a project today that will install a 187-kilowatt solar photovoltaic (PV) research system at the institute’s headquarters.

The SolarCity PV rooftop system is expected to produce more than 7.3 million kWh over the next 30 years and offset about 11 percent of EPRI’s annual power usage at its four-building research campus. When completed in mid-August, it will be the second largest solar installation in Palo Alto .

The PV array will facilitate EPRI’s research on a low-carbon generation portfolio in which solar and other renewables, such as wind and biomass, will play an increasing role in the future. It is expected to provide real-time data on electricity generated that will be used to measure the impact of variability on a distribution system.  Additionally, it will supply power-quality data that could be used for distribution circuit analysis and assessment of optimized performance levels.

“The SolarCity system will help us better understand distributed resources and how we can reliably integrate them into distribution systems,” said EPRI President and CEO Steve Specker. “This project is a key part of our sustainability program to reduce our carbon footprint, and clearly demonstrates how we can address environmental goals in a cost-effective manner.”

SolarCity estimates that over the next 30 years, the system will offset the production of more than 4.6 million pounds of carbon dioxide, a leading contributor to climate change. It is also expected to offset the release of significant amounts of compounds and particulates that contribute to smog, acid rain and can cause asthma and other respiratory ailments. The system will be financed through a power purchase agreement with SolarCity.

About the Electric Power Research Institute

The Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. (EPRI, conducts research and development relating to the generation, delivery and use of electricity for the benefit of the public.



Dirty Energy Independence Week July 1 – July 7th, 2010


Dirty Energy Independence Week of Action:

President Obama gave an address about the BP oil spill in the Gulf of
Mexico — and what it teaches us about America’s economic and ecological future.
President Obama has heard and joined our call for bold, decisive action to clean up
the spill and build a safe, clean-energy future for the Gulf region and for America.
Now, we must help him and Congress turn his words into the change we need.

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Going Blue – A Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea


51Q9YPEYEJL. SS500  Going Blue   A Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea As the world continues to watch in horror at the BP undersea volcano gushing toxic oil and gas fumes into the Gulf of Mexico; we ponder what can we do? How did we get to this place? What made BP and all the major oil players believe they could play with mother nature? How many times have we been confounded by the awesome power of the ocean…”master the tempest is raging. The billows are tossing  high. Carest thou not  that we parish? Oh how can they lie asleep? The winds and the waves shall obey thy will.” It’s a story as old as time… we see it again and again – arrogance, greed – corruption. It’s easy to trash BP, after all the signs point to a history of violations and subterfuge. But we all share some responsibility. For many of us get a daily fix of gas. Scientist tell us we know far, far less about the oceans of the world then we do about the surface of the moon. And yet offshore drillers persist in their eyes closed shark attack mentality to drill, drill baby drill (See Brave New Foundation video Power without Petroleum). And yet some of BP’s offshore drilling plans, one in Alaska specifically are moving ahead despite the reality of what’s happening around us.

We know that alternative renewable energy sources such as solar, wind and wave energy offer solutions to our economic and environmental problems. In Irwin Allen’s hit TV show Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea the high tech submarine SeaView traveled the world’s oceans saving us from the demons of the deep.

But TV is one thing and Admiral Nelson of the SeaView isn’t likely to come jetting in on that flying yellow sub to patch up that undersea hell hole BP’s stabbed into the earth. We probably really do need a new voyage to the bottom of the sea – but one that’s based on scientific, economic and environmental renewal. If we have any intension to harness the power the ocean we’ll need to do it in a way that doesn’t destroy it and us in the process. The risk of offshore deep sea drilling has been proven to be an economic ecological killer. The tempest is raging.





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Megan Epler Wood Launching

Environmental Management of International Tourism Development at Harvard Extension

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Philippe Cousteau

CEO Earth Echo International

 Going Blue   A Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea

Water Planet Challenge -
EarthEcho International’s Water Planet Challenge is an unprecedented national call-to-action that engages middle and high school youth to bring about global change by taking action in their communities through service-learning projects. The Challenge provides revolutionary science-based environmental education materials, tools, and resources to empower youth to take action to restore and protect our water planet.
Water is the single most important substance on the planet—it is the one element that connects each and every being on earth to one another, from human consumption to energy production. It is also expected to be the cause of the greatest crises of our century.
Today’s youth are more engaged and excited about environmental issues than any ever before, however there are few unified and accessible resources and tools to help them take action and measure their impact in a significant manner. In other words, we have an unparalleled team primed and ready to go without a proper game plan to take action. Indeed, environment is one of the three most requested service-learning opportunities by teens, yet a quick scan of any aggregator sites of this type of content shows very little that exists on a national level at high quality.
The Water Planet Challenge’s core partners make this a powerful initiative that can take place now, not at some point in the distant future:
CBK Associates has produced seminal education materials utilized by the National Service-Learning Clearinghouse and books that set the standard for being easy to use, practical, and providing teachers and youth what they need to successfully improve their communities.
Discovery Education provides engaging digital resources to schools and homes with the goal of making educators more effective, increasing student achievement, and connecting classrooms and families to a world of learning. Discovery Education’s digital services are used by over 1 million teachers and reach 35 million students.


Intersolar North America

weltkarte 150x103 px 01 1 Going Blue   A Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea

Taking place from July 13-15 in San Francisco’s Moscone Center West Hall, promotes the development of business opportunities throughout the U.S. solar industry. More than 550 U.S.-based and international exhibitors and 20,000 trade visitors are expected.


 Going Blue   A Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea

Full-Scale Prototype Produced at 24.2 Percent

SunPower Corp. (Nasdaq: SPWRA, SPWRB), a Silicon Valley-based manufacturer of high-efficiency solar cells, solar panels and solar systems, announced today that it has produced a full-scale solar cell with a sunlight to electricity conversion efficiency of 24.2 percent at its manufacturing plant in the Philippines. This is a new world record, confirmed by the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL), for large area silicon wafers.
“This new world record demonstrates SunPower’s ability to extend our lead in manufacturing the world’s highest efficiency solar cells,” said Bill Mulligan, vice president of technology and development for SunPower. “Our patented and proprietary, high-efficiency solar cell technology drives down the cost of solar energy by increasing the energy production from each solar panel.”
Improved cell efficiency reduces the levelized cost of energy by increasing the energy production from each wafer manufactured into a SunPower solar cell. For the same reason, increased efficiency reduces the cost per watt and cost per kilowatt-hour for feedstock and materials, depreciation and other manufacturing expenses, installation time, land and system operations, and related maintenance.
“As we celebrate SunPower’s 25th anniversary this year, I am thrilled to see the company achieve technology milestones that were inconceivable only a few years ago,” said Dr. Richard Swanson, SunPower founder and chief technology officer. “SunPower’s research and development and engineering teams have increased cell efficiency by a full four percentage points over the last five years while radically driving down manufacturing costs. We are extremely proud of their continued success.”



Dirty Energy Independence Week July 1 – July 7th, 2010


Dirty Energy Independence Week of Action:

Dirty Energy Independence Week of Action:

President Obama gave an address about the BP oil spill in the Gulf of
Mexico — and what it teaches us about America’s economic and ecological future.
President Obama has heard and joined our call for bold, decisive action to clean up
the spill and build a safe, clean-energy future for the Gulf region and for America.
Now, we must help him and Congress turn his words into the change we need.

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PG & E and SunRun

Create $100 Million Home Solar Financing Fund

Pacific Energy Capital II, LLC, a non-utility subsidiary of PG&E Corporation (NYSE:PCG), and SunRun Inc., the nation’s leading provider of home solar financing, today announced a $100 million tax equity project financing agreement to fund SunRun’s installation of more than 3,500 new home solar installations across the nation. The investment, principally funded by PG&E Corporation shareholders through Pacific Energy Capital, creates the largest residential solar financing vehicle established to date. Under the agreement, Pacific Energy Capital will provide financing for the rooftop energy systems and both parties will receive payments from SunRun customers. SunRun will manage the projects.  Read more



photo 225x300 Going Blue   A Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea

See Video



Cries ring out…anyone listening?


Now that the environmental and economic impact of the BP oil catastrophy is coming into full view, Americans are seeing how an oil based economy  can destroy the fabric of  society. Word out of Washington is that President Obama’s six month moratorium on oil drilling in the Gulf which was challenged in court by Governor Jindal of Louisiana  has been lifted by a New Orleans judge. The White House has said it will appeal. None the less clean up of the area continues and so too does the eruption of the under sea oil volcano created by BP. The concern is now that the seabed around the well is also seeping oil and toxic gas.

As this crisis continues  we should be mindful that  eleven people died on the DeepWater Horizon the day it exploded. The president of BP Tony Hayward who was recently criticized for his stonewalling before congress, attending a private yacthing race in Great Britain quiped, “he wanted his life back” so I guess he’s got it back. Too bad the eleven who died never will and I fear the Gulf of Mexico as we have known it will not get the life it once had for a long, long time, if ever.

Lea Morris has produced a film called “Cries From the Gulf” which does an excellent job of showing the impact of this horrific tragedy on the people of the Gulf. Brave New Foundation has produced a film called Power without Petroleum which you see by clicking


President Obama this week will meet  with leaders of Congress to re-energize a new national energy plan which has been dying a slow death in the Senate. Apparently Congressman Joe Barton from Texas who received over $1.5 million dollars from the oil industry has apologized about his apology to BP after what he called a shake down by President Obama who got an initial upfront $20 billion dollars from BP for the US to pay oil related damage claims. People from all walks of life and leaders in the green movement around the country are also crying out for a strong national clean tech energy plan that includes solar, wind, wave, electric vehicles and high speed rail and other sustainable ventures; A strong new energy plan which has the potential to transform our toxic energy systems and create millions of new green jobs.



Dirty Energy Independence Week July 1 – July 7th, 2010


Dirty Energy Independence Week of Action:

Dirty Energy Independence Week of Action:

President Obama gave an address about the BP oil spill in the Gulf of
Mexico — and what it teaches us about America’s economic and ecological future.
President Obama has heard and joined our call for bold, decisive action to clean up
the spill and build a safe, clean-energy future for the Gulf region and for America.
Now, we must help him and Congress turn his words into the change we need.

In his address, the president called the BP oil spill “the worst environmental
disaster America has ever faced.” He vowed to hold BP accountable for the terrible
damage it has caused. And he promised to remove the threat of future spills by
ending America’s dependence on oil and building a strong clean-energy sector that
can power our economy.

Green All Dirty Indie 150x150 Cries ring out...anyone listening?


Intersolar North America

weltkarte 150x103 px 01 1 Cries ring out...anyone listening?

Taking place from July 13-15 in San Francisco’s Moscone Center West Hall, promotes the development of business opportunities throughout the U.S. solar industry. More than 550 U.S.-based and international exhibitors and 20,000 trade visitors are expected.


A Growing Concern

Urban Farms Are Sprouting up across the United States

By Sena Christian

Sean Hagan shoves a digging fork into the soil and pries out a bunch of carrots. He ties the bunch together, then stops and looks across the crops to another farmer calling for his attention. She holds a gnarly root in her hand.

“Do we have something against large turnips around here?” asks Sonya Ciavola.

“I have something against turnips in general,” Hagan says. He’s not fond of their taste.

On a gloomy February morning, the blond, 29-year-old Hagan trudges through muddy row crops growing on six acres of agricultural land operated by Soil Born Farms Urban Agriculture and Education Project, a nonprofit farm in Sacramento, California. Soil Born has two other acres for pasture and plans to plant a three-acre fruit tree orchard this fall. To read more go:





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photo 225x300 Cries ring out...anyone listening?

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