Transforming Solar Sense

 Transforming Solar Sense

IMG 0054 225x300 Transforming Solar SenseYou’ve heard the argument before and no doubt you’ll hear it again and again. Solar is just  too expensive. But last week Secretary of Energy Steven Chu highlighted the choice America faces on whether or not to take advantage of the huge economic opportunity and compete with countries like China in the clean energy race. He said, ““Once again, there is a huge opportunity before us – a global clean energy market that is already worth an estimated $240 billion and is growing rapidly.  In fact, a very reasonable estimate is that solar photovoltaic systems alone represent a global market worth more than $80 billion this year.”“China – like many countries – has learned from the U.S. how government can support critical emerging industries.  Last year, China offered roughly $30 billion in government financing to its solar companies, including $7 billion to Suntech.  At least 10 countries have adopted renewable electricity standards, and more than 50 countries offer some type of public financing for clean energy projects. For example, Germany and Canada operate government-backed clean energy lending programs, and in the last several months, the UK, Australia, and India have announced plans to do the same.”

110126 steven chu ap 328 300x162 Transforming Solar SenseOn November 17, Steven Chu, has agreed to testify about the failed solar energy company Solyndra before congressional investigators on the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Solyndra received a $535 million loan guarantee from the Department of Energy.  Chairman of the Committee Rep. Cliff Stearns said in a statement. “We hope he will finally provide answers about why DOE consciously ignored the direct warnings from their own experts that Solyndra was doomed to fail, and granted the loan to Solyndra.” Congress has issued a subpoena  to the White House, with the White House refusing to comply stating it has already released over 80,000 pages to Congress.

Now New York Times Columnist Paul Krugman ways in, “We are, or at least we should be, on the cusp of an energy transformation, driven by the rapidly falling cost of solar power. That’s right, solar power. If that surprises you, if you still think of solar power as some kind of hippie fantasy, blame our fossilized political system, in which fossil fuel producers have both powerful political allies and a powerful propaganda machine that denigrates alternatives.” Read the full article: Here comes the sun.

Transforming  ourselves transforming our energy

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g 080522 hlt crying baby 11awidec 267x300 Transforming Solar Sense

A wet baby and change

Posted in Building Green, Environment, Green Careers, Renewable Energy, Solar, Solar Solutions, Sustainability and tagged , , , , .

One Comment

  1. I read your article and Paul’s but still have a hard time taking anything this man says seriously, since it is obvious that he was on payroll of oil companies during the run-up to ME transgression. Now as the dust settles and some influential and controlling figures in media are calling for a new direction, how will they rectify their impunity for so many while ingratiating themselves? It is time to bring the real issues to the surface. Security in the past ten years has been about how to tackle our resource issues and protect our way of life. When dealing with hearts and minds through destructive cataclysm, the gain is only short term while the consequences will be reviled for generations. Who will write this story in the age of technology, can the NYT find itself objective yet transformative for global societies issues of security or will it hang itself as an opportunistic venue for certain interests.

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