Sustainable vertical urban farms

7 16 vertical farms 1 300x210 Sustainable vertical urban farmsTalk about keeping your head to the sky. Vertical farm visionary Columbia University professor Dickson pic 1778702219441 Sustainable vertical urban farmsDespommier sees  a future where  skyscrapers in urban cities like New York, Hong Kong or London will serve as skyfarms. Those urban farms could use renewable energy such as solar and wind and  will use less space and waste fewer resources. In his upcoming book The Vertical FarmDespommier says that fifteen thousand years ago, there was probably not a single farm on the planet.

Today, farms occupy a landmass the size of South America. Dickson Despommier’s work on vertical farms has been featured on such top national media as CNN, “The Colbert Report,” and “The Tonight Show,” as well as in full-length articles in The New York Times, Time Magazine, Scientific American, and The Washington Post. At Columbia, he has won the Teacher of the Year Award eight times for his work in public health and environmental health sciences.


Urban planners are paying attention to Despommier and others  as they recognize population projections will squeeze  already dwindling natural resources. According to the United States Census Bureau the world’s current population is estimated to be close to 6.8 billion. The world’s population is expected to reach between 8 and 10.5 billion between the year 2040 and 2050. That’s alot of hungry mouths to feed.

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