Urban Farmers Grow New Green Acres

Anim Homepage1 300x199 Urban Farmers Grow New Green AcresGreen Acres is the place for me. Farm living is the life for me. Land spreading out so farbrooklyngrangealg grange farm 300x214 Urban Farmers Grow New Green Acres and wide. Keep Manhattan just give me that countryside.” With that Mr. Douglas (Eddie Albert) and wife Lisa Douglas(Eva Gabor) left New York City for Hooterville. Well it turns start out things have changed since the 1965 TV sitcom hit the airwaves. As new solar solutions are being implemented to address how we heat, electricfy our homes – and transport ourselves; so too are some very basic assumptions about how and where we get our food.

GlobalĀ  population analyst have just announced the world population is now 7 billion people. How can we know for sure what the real current world population is?That’s a whole lot of mouths to feed in world that’s already struggling with stone age energy, political, transportation and economic systems. Urban farming is taking on unique characteristics such as what we’re seeing in Chicago and Atlanta.

Urban farms provide healthy food

2009243565 Urban Farmers Grow New Green AcresIn his recent Ted Talk Urban Farmer Roman Gaus frames out some of the big issues we face as a world society and how urban farming can provide solutions to challenges we’ll have no choice in facing.

But while the idea of community gardens, rooftop farming and vertical farming may seem new: Victory Farms was in full effect in America over 70 years ago.

Urban Farming: Past Present Future

Vertical Farming 2 300x214 Urban Farmers Grow New Green AcresGreen Tech Companies in Growth Mode

Posted in Building Green, Eco Friendly, Organic, Renewable Energy, Solar Solutions, Sustainability, Urban farming and tagged , , , , , .

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