Solar Power to the People!

Here’s the story, solar is hot….

green is in. It is exciting!  Attendance at the 2009 Solar Power International show in Anaheim was estimated at 25,000. The number of exhibitors doubled from last year. Consumers, businesses and interested parties are in learn mode. A couple of developments that  confirm an earlier article I wrote called, (listen here) – Transformers. In it I discuss the potential drama to come as the “status quo” faces off against new energy sources.

So on the table now, The Solar Rights Manifesto being championed by Barry Cinnamon, CEO of Akeena Solar seeks to eliminate the bottleneck of  building inspections and paperwork that faces new solar panel owners who are purchasing systems under 10 kilowatts. The elimination of this mountain of forms would drive costs down even further and as a result bring a solar system within closer reach of even more consumers. The proposal was well received at the convention, let’s see where it goes from here.

The Solar Rights Manifesto

Solar Energy Industries Association CEO Rhone Resch, announced a Solar Bill of Rights, which I encourage you to read here.


Please take some time to watch and listen to the Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. keynote speech in the INSIGHT section.

Green Gold Rush:
A vision for Energy Independence, Jobs and National Wealth

Posted in Solar.

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