A sustainable Solar Bill of Rights


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Like George Washington crossing the Delaware the solar industry is at a crossroad. The Solar Bill of Rights is a set of principles designed to establish the power of the individual and stakeholders in the solar field in a world dominated by oil and coal. First introduced at Solar Power International 2009 by Rhone Resch of the Solar Energy Industries Association, it set out a declaration of rights that seem more relevant now than ever before. The latest news from the BP oil explosion that left 11 dead and gushed over 200,000,000 million gallons of toxic oil in the Gulf is that the well has been sealed. This catastrophe has been describe as the worst enviromental disaster in U S history. Its economic shock wave will continue to reverberate throughout the globe. Yet in its wake America still has no energy bill the reflects global competition in solar and renewable energy, nor the stark deadly corruptive nature of deepwater drilling and oil in general.

The Solar Bill of Rights

You can read the Solar Bill of Rights on the

Solar Wall.

In addition to encouraging policies that give  individual homeowners the right to participate in the profit produced by solar energy, it also lays out a structure for the solar industry to be given the same incentives provided to big oil and coal. Also introduced at that show was the Solar Manifesto that was being moved forward by Barry Cinnamon of Akeena Solar. Barry Cinnamon has been  a strong advocate for stream lining the solar installation process through municipal permit departments. Barry Cinnamon is a pioneer in the solar industry. This year the Solar Power International 2010,  the largest solar conference in the US will be held in October 12-14, 2010 at the LA Convention Center.

The opportunities in solar, renwable energy and sustianibilty are all part of an overall social, business and ecological shift: they are not isolated. San Francisco Green Drinks (SFGD) just yesterday invited the Bay Area green community to the second annual Green Generations event, a fundraising event for SF Nature Education, Pie Ranch Youth Advocacy, and Exploring New Horizons Outdoor School, three deserving non-profits that provide environmental education to under-served children. The German city of Freiburg, referred to as the worlds’ greenest city has been an early advocate of this type of outreach.

From solar powered electric cars, cameras,  phones, ecotourism, organic living, urban farming, eco-fashion and more; the world as we have known it is indeed changing….you’ve got more power than you realize.

You’ve got the power


Sustainability meets fishy fashion

Junly 27 – Designer Oskar Metsavaht, a favorite of celebrities such as Madonna and Sting, has started producing a new line of environmentally-friendly leather from the skins of salmon and tilapia. Ben Gruber reports. (02:15)


10 Energy Saving Tips for Travelers Courtesy of International Ecotourism Society

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With summer vacations in full swing, travelling without the guilt is a plus.

Why not start with 10 Energy Saving Tips for Travelers courtesy of International Ecotourism Society.

1. Fly Wisely:
Air travel is often the most energy consuming aspect of your travel. Plan your trip so that you minimize air travel, and choose, whenever possible, to stay longer in a destination instead of making many short trips.

2. Travel Light:
Pack only what you need, and don’t bring things that will become waste. By reducing the weight of luggage travelers can significantly cut green house gas emissions.

3. Book Responsibly:
When choosing your hotel, tour operator, or other service providers, select ones that have good sustainability practices.  Look for information on the company’s environmental initiatives; strategies, save energy and minimize waste; involvement in sustainable tourism certification program. A good place to start your search is Ecotourism Explorer.

4.  Before You Leave:
Turn off lights and unplug household appliances that can be left unplugged while you are away.

5.  While You Are There:
Turn off all the lights and air conditioner/heater when you leave your room, and unplug unnecessary appliances.

6.  Greener Way To Get Around:
Utilize public transportation (bus, train, city car, etc.) and alternative modes of transportation (walking, bicycle, non-motorized vehicles, horse, camel) as much as possible. It’s a more sustainable way to get around, and also a healthier and more enjoyable way to get to know the place you are visiting.

7. Eat Local:
Reduce your ‘food miles’ by choosing local.  Visit a local farmer’s market, shop at a locally owned grocery store and choose locally owned restaurants that buy local. Locally produced foods are a tastier and more sustainable option.

8. Save Water:
Use the minimum amount of water needed for a shower/bath, don’t let water run while shaving, brushing or washing, and check if the hotel has a linen reuse program – if so, reuse your towels and bed sheets by placing the card to indicate you don’t wish to have them washed every day, if not, request hospitality staff not to change them every day.

9.  Charge Your Trip Sustainably:
Whenever possible, utilize options that do not require batteries. Buy rechargeable batteries for your essential travel items such as cameras, razors, and flash lights.

10. Offset the Unavoidable Footprint:
Contribute to a credible carbon offsetting program to support



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New solar energy process discovered by Stanford engineers could revamp production.

Stanford Report, August 2, 2010
New solar energy process found by Stanford engineers could revamp production.A new process that simultaneously combines the light and heat of solar radiation to generate electricity could offer more than double the efficiency of existing solar cell technology, say the Stanford engineers who discovered it and proved that it works. The process, called “photon enhanced thermionic emission,” or PETE, could reduce the costs of solar energy production enough for it to compete with oil as an energy source.


AVANCIS solar installers at work

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The solar module manufacturer AVANCIS has recorded a new international efficiency record.


When Van Jones speaks, people…

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Green jobs are a reality, and now is the time to honor the innovative companies that are creating them. With support from the Citi Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation, SJF Advisory Services and Green For All have partnered to launch a Green Jobs Award Program, which seeks to identify, recognize, and promote private companies that are leaders in quality green job creation.




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