A Green Career Path Taken

 A Green Career Path Taken

5 Time-Tested Strategies to Break Out of Your Rut

shutterstock 64780168 300x293 A Green Career Path Takenby Carol McClelland: Ever get the feeling that your approach to your own career has gotten a bit stale? The questions you ask yourself (What do I want to do? What’s my next career move?) deliver the same answers, over and over again.

No matter what you do, you keep ending up with the same answers that aren’t getting you where you want to go. It’s so frustrating! I know, I’ve been there myself. Many times.

When I made my first big career transition and periodically over the last 20 years as it was time for my business to shift and morph in response to the times. In the early days getting out of a thought rut took a lot of effort. Now that I’ve had a lot of practice with this I know what I need to do to shift my perspective to create new options and ideas.

Knowing how to get beyond your rut is essential to any career shift. Hopefully these ideas will give you new insights about how to break out of your career rut!

Ask New Questions

One of the key reasons we all get stuck is that we get into a run with the questions we ask ourselves. After a while each question seems to lead to the same answer. There’s no new juice to give us a new insight, a new thought, or a new outlook on our situation. To break out of your rut, begin by framing new questions. Sometimes just a subtle rewording of your question can lead you to new answers.

-Why don’t I work on my resume? What could I do to make progress on my resume?
-What job should I go after? What kind of work would be most fulfilling to me?

When you are frustrated with your situation, it’s easy to throw up your hands as soon as your inner dialogue has you covering the same territory you’ve


Growing A Green Career in the New Year

 Growing A Green Career in the New Year

Navigating the Emotional Side of Your Green Job Search

bamboo 300x225 Growing A Green Career in the New Yearby Carol McClelland, PhD – There’s a very tactical side to any job search. Figuring out the best strategies to uncover contacts and job openings becomes your main focus. There’s also an emotional side to any job search. Though rarely discussed, this often hidden component of every job search has the potential to derail one’s job  Growing A Green Career in the New Yearsearch.

No matter how you look at it, a job search is a difficult time of change.
•    In the past – you are looking back at what you’ve left behind. No matter what the scenario, there’s a sense of loss as you close the door.
•    You’ve been forced to leave a job and team you enjoyed.
•    You’ve been asked to leave a job you didn’t like, but you weren’t quite ready to leave
•    You’ve chosen to leave a position for personal reasons.
•    You’ve had to leave a position due to a change in another part of your life.
•    In the future – you are facing the unknown. Where will you work? What will you do? Who will hire you? Every where you turn there’s another question you can’t really answer. Uncomfortable. Unnerving.
At perhaps the deepest point in your own job transition, you must put your very best foot forward to network, interview, and land a job. A task that is difficult even when you are at your best!


Outstanding in his field

Nightingale-Conant, the world’s largest personal development publisher, has just success 1 300x300 Outstanding in his fieldlaunched a new weekly service called, MyPowerPodcast.com. The site features motivational podcasts and a sampling the firm’s vast library of personal development programs. “Most of us face myriad challenges today, whether at work or in our own personal life, and sometimes success seems elusive and it’s hard to stay motivated,” says Joe Nuckols host of My Power Podcast “At Nightingale-Conant, we aim to help you build your PMA, or positive mental attitude, and to help you realize your full potential. We have a variety of programs designed to help you succeed in life, build wealth, and gain better health.” The podcasts at My Power Podcast provide