Growing A Green Career in the New Year

 Growing A Green Career in the New Year

Navigating the Emotional Side of Your Green Job Search

bamboo 300x225 Growing A Green Career in the New Yearby Carol McClelland, PhD – There’s a very tactical side to any job search. Figuring out the best strategies to uncover contacts and job openings becomes your main focus. There’s also an emotional side to any job search. Though rarely discussed, this often hidden component of every job search has the potential to derail one’s job  Growing A Green Career in the New Yearsearch.

No matter how you look at it, a job search is a difficult time of change.
•    In the past – you are looking back at what you’ve left behind. No matter what the scenario, there’s a sense of loss as you close the door.
•    You’ve been forced to leave a job and team you enjoyed.
•    You’ve been asked to leave a job you didn’t like, but you weren’t quite ready to leave
•    You’ve chosen to leave a position for personal reasons.
•    You’ve had to leave a position due to a change in another part of your life.
•    In the future – you are facing the unknown. Where will you work? What will you do? Who will hire you? Every where you turn there’s another question you can’t really answer. Uncomfortable. Unnerving.
At perhaps the deepest point in your own job transition, you must put your very best foot forward to network, interview, and land a job. A task that is difficult even when you are at your best!


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