A hole poked into hell…23,000 feet below the ocean

r GULF OIL SATELLITE huge A hole poked into hell...23,000 feet below the ocean

One thing that’s consistent about humankind is our attraction to the sea. Since a large part of the human body is composed mostly of water and more than 70% of the world is covered by ocean…this may be natural.

The world’s water ways are key resources to our existence. It is not  without some irony that with respect to energy; it was only within the last two hundred years that man was hunting and killing whales and using their blubber to light the western world. That activity practically drove whales to the brink of extinction.

Today if we still did that it be considered primitive, barbaric! Yet there we were out in the world’s seas exterminating whales for their energy. Today here we are with our ingenious selves. I mean just the idea of  an oil rig sitting 5000 feet above the ocean floor and than drilling another 18,000 feet once you reach the ocean floor is a remarkable technological accomplishment…even if totally misdirected and deadly. Yet it clearly demonstrates the depths man will go to get what we want even if it leads to the environmental and economic catastrophe we now have on our hands.


We have poked a hole into the earth under the ocean and now we are all seeing the hellish result. What on earth makes us think we couldt1main.underwater.bp  150x150 A hole poked into hell...23,000 feet below the ocean ever control something like this? How many times does mother nature have to check us and let us know who’s running the show? Scientist are now discovering undersea plumes of oil clouds that are 10 and 20 miles long headed for shorelines, underwater canyons and gulf streams that circulate around the world. Once and if this shows up on Miami Beach than maybe everyone will start to get it. In the new version of the Day the Earth Stood Still the scientist played by John Cleese pleads with alien, Klaatu played by Keanu Reeves to please give humans a second chance because as he argues, only when man is at the precipice of destruction can he change.

The evolution of technology in solar, wind, wave and other sustainable ventures now gives us smarter less toxic  ways to create a world where  we don’t do ourselves in through greed and arrogance.


Philippe Cousteau Jr, CEO of Green Eco

grandson of famed oceanographer Jacques Cousteau interviewed on Real Time with Bill Maher about what’s in store for the Gulf of Mexico.
See the video here.

bill maher 150x150 A hole poked into hell...23,000 feet below the ocean
To get a perspective of what it looks like underneath the water in the

Gulf of Mexico see

Philippe’s dive click here.


The Hub Soma Opens

Hub 300x167 A hole poked into hell...23,000 feet below the oceanHub SoMa Launch Celebration

On Thursday May 27th, 2010 Hub SoMa had an opening celebration. Focused around the concept of “radical collaboration,” the event  featured vignettes by Valerie Casey of the Designers Accord , Tim Freundlich and Alex Michel from Hub Bay Area, and Alexa Arena of Forest City .- each  discussed local and global forms of collaboration for social and environmental impact.

Events like this one just keep exposing why San Francisco and the Bay Area is on the forefront of trend setting movements. The people in attendance were thrilled to be there and learn about Hub Bay Area. The space has a unique design and located in the San Francisco Chronicle  Building. The Hub is a coworking space, event series, and professional toolset for changemakers! Now located in San Francisco and Berkeley, and 22 international locations across 5 continents. To learn more go to: http://bayarea.the-hub.net/public/

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Posted in Environment.

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